Today is Good Friday, the beginning of the Easter holiday weekend. In Australia, we get Good Friday and Easter Monday off work. I think it's ironic to have a holiday that is supposed to be a time of reflection of Jesus dying on the cross for us mortal humans but the Easter bunny and chocolates are the highlights.
In fact, many Australians aren't religious or into religion except for when they swear and use Jesus' name in vain. I think it's really sad.
I won't claim to be super religious. I try to know God more, to learn more about Him and to be the child He wants me to be. I have to be shamefully honest and admit that I do slack, missing Sunday services, at times. I don't declare it with glee but with chagrin and a heavy heart.
It was good that the hubs and I made it to City Life Church at Knox on Good Friday.
Many cars with many people crowding the car park and surrounding housing area forced us to park a walking fair distance away resulting in us being late, missing the first and second song.

Pastor Mark Conner spoke. It was simple and easy to follow. The main gist was the reasons Jesus died. He did so fulfilling the scriptures, offering His life as a sacrifice to ransom us from all that we've done and will do wrong.
We don't simply enter the pearlie gates by doing good works. It is so much more than that. So much more simpler. All we have to do is just believe in Him and for all that He has done, to accept him into our hearts and give it to him. Just like that.
It was good to just take time to ponder and reflect all that has happened and all that He has done. Reminds me to be more faithful in my walk with Him. I am painfully aware I lack discipline and it is a constant struggle to instill good habits.
I guess as long as I keep trying, I will succeed one day as opposed to throwing in the towel.
After church, we made our way to city to meet the visiting Sydneysiders. It was past lunch time but we decided to have a go at Cumulus Inc, striking it off Miss J's 'places-to-eat' list. It has been voted well with 87% likes by over 3000 people on Urbanspoon.

Cumulus Inc Eating House and Bar situated at 45 Flinders Lane opened in 2008. Performing remarkably well, it has won The Age Good Food Guide since 2010 till 2013. This seems more of a high class pub (close to fine dining, I reckon) as reflected in the prices of their food shown in the below pictures.

We ordered the must-have-highly-recommended-on-Urbanspoon-whole-roasted-lamb-shoulder. Pretty pricey at AUD75 but we shared it amongst the four of us. Besides that, we had a platter of 'Kitchen Charcuterie selection' for AUD28.60 and the 'Baby iceberg salad, parmesan, capers & chopped egg' priced at AUD13.20.
The waitress that served us was wonderful. She was ever patiently answering our noob first timer questions. And there was another waitress that was just fantastic as she kept filling up our glasses with water round after round. No dirty looks, too as we didn't order any drinks.
For those who aren't aware, in Australia, water is served at eateries free of charge (different from Malaysia where you have to buy bottled water) and usually Chinese tea at Chinese eateries.

After placing our orders, my friends happily snapped photos after photos. Made me feel so at home with them. Usually, it's just me taking pictures much to Mr. C's dismay as he just wants to dig straight in the food when it's served but he has to layan (indulge) me.
Lols. It's really an Asian culture. We love to eat and we definitely LOVE to document the food we taste. My friend, YC dubs it as an #AsianRitual and I heartily agree with him. :)

I actually enjoyed the array of prosciutto, pate, wagyu beef with pickled cucumber and creamed parmesan

Haha. More snappity snap time! Smartphones are whipped out and clickety click click click away.
The salad (forgot to snap a photo) was beautiful and fresh tasting that we ordered a second salad which was just as delicious.
Apparently, Cumulus Inc, for dessert is famous for its Madeleines filled with lemon curd. And boy was the reviews right. We were not disappointed, that's for sure!
When served, the smell that pleasantly greeted my nose was heavenly waffle like. The lemon curd was tangy and melts in your mouth. A beautiful pairing of tastes between sweet and sour.
All in all, it was a good experience dining here. We received excellent customer service. The food was faultless but the price is precious. I guess it's best to go for breakfast for a 'cheaper' meal.
If you ever decide to try out this eatery, make sure you have the Madeleines!

Aaah... boots and coats signalling Autumn cooling weather
After our meal, we traipsed about Melbourne city. Down Flinders Lane towards Federation Square and along Swanston Street as we made our way back to Miss J's brother's place near Queen Victoria Market.
Later on, Mr. C and I attended Dave Hughe's Freezer Bread performance at Comedy Theatre. Can't remember if I've blogged about him. Fondly known as 'Hughesy', he is an Australian stand up comedian and a radio and television presenter we bumped into during our honeymoon in Phuket end 2011.
Mr. C and I tune in to him with Kathy on Nova most mornings on the way to work.
You could tell from his giggles and snickers that Mr. C enjoyed Hughesy's humour and jibes. Where else for me, I felt a little lost at times and not exactly partial to his crass and sarcastic humour. Not to be a prude but he did say the word 'c**t' several times.
Mr. C and I tune in to him with Kathy on Nova most mornings on the way to work.
You could tell from his giggles and snickers that Mr. C enjoyed Hughesy's humour and jibes. Where else for me, I felt a little lost at times and not exactly partial to his crass and sarcastic humour. Not to be a prude but he did say the word 'c**t' several times.
Russell Peters had me in stitches but Hughesy sadly did not.