{scheduled entry whilst I traipsed about Sydney for my year end holidays!}


We have a HUGE lemon tree at our backyard and it's overgrown with many a lemons. I've been wanting to pluck them, put them in a basket and give them out to people for ages but life just keeps happening.
Finally, last Friday, I made time to go plucking the deformed-but-huge-and-organic-lemons. I left two baskets full, out in the driveway.
Alas, it was not a hit and no one took a single lemon!

But my persistency paid off. I left it out on Saturday morning till evening. After our trip to the city and back, we reached home to find only 6 lemons left back. There was definitely more than 25 lemons before that.
Pretty awesome, I reckon!
Feeling mighty please with myself and you should have seen me... smiling from ear to ear.
Shall be doing this from month to month whenever the tree is too filled with 'em. :)