Thursday, March 31, 2011
Ching Chong! Asians in the Library Song (Response to UCLA's Alexandra Wa...
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Accents and I

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Good wedding planning related sites

Monday, March 28, 2011
Melbourne, oh Melbourne
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I hate it
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Miss Gloomy sighs
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Gloomy me
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Yosemitebear Mountain Giant raving about double rainbow
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Charlie bit my finger - again !
Thursday, March 17, 2011
American on Asians in the UCLA library
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Hello Melbourne!
And so, I’ve finally reached back Australia, Melbourne to be more precise.
Sunday night saw me taking off from KL's LCCT and reaching Coolongatta Airport at the Gold Coast early Monday morning. After going through Coolongatta's Immigration and retrieving my bag, I had to queue again for Customs as I had declared some food I brought in. Was a bit worried that I might miss my flight to Melbourne.
After I got through Customs with no hassle, I ran whilst pushing my 31.7kg luggage bag and 8kg hand carry bag to a separate building where Tiger Airways was situated at, checked in and relaxed till boarding time. And by 3pm Melbourne time, I was at Tullamarine Airport entertaining myself with my lappie and a book whilst waiting for Mr. C to finish work then come and get me.
Who would have thought that I would find myself here- living for good, for real. Many can only dream or wish for such a privilege. 2011 definitely has started out well for me and I can only pray and hope that it just gets better.
The difference between this year and the past few years is that I am learning to rely and lean on Him. This past one year has been a journey for me. Well, that’s what I’ve been telling people. I’ve done things that I am not proud of and this past one year, being away from home, standing on my own two feet, I’ve been reconciling with my mistakes and trusting Him.
Well, that's a story for another day.
After six weeks back in Malaysia with all the hustle and bustle of spending time with my family whilst being someone's 'personal secretary' and meeting up with friends leaving no time for myself ever, I find the quietness here a little disconcerting.
I think I am like my dad. We need noise. We need people. Yesterday when Mr. C left for work, I went back to sleep. Woke up around afternoon and the silence was just deafening. I guess for those who are looking for solitude and quiet time, this would be a perfect place.
Stepping into the house Monday evening and seeing it with my own two eyes, I must admit that I was a tad disappointed. I guess, in my mind, I had thought that it'll be just as nice as my uncle's (who's living just next door) or at least it'll be fully furnished. It's mean of me to say this but I semi-blame this on Mr. C who was the culprit that painted a nice picture of this place hence, my high expectations.
But I guess this is yet another journey in my life - managing expectations. I am really bad at this. I tend to have super high expectations of things and people which almost always lead to disappointment.
So, I have to keep reminding myself not to complain. Not to be disheartened but to make do with the situation and make the best of it. There's a lot of cleaning to do and furniture to buy though we'll have to get what we need first and not what we want, though a 32 inch or bigger flat screen tv would be most welcomed!!
Today, I started unpacking our boxes but it's hard to place things anywhere when we don't have any cupboards or drawers to put them in. One thing I am happy with is the toilet. It's huge, spacious and the counter top where the sink is at has enough room for me to put all my facial crap. Sigh. The things we girls have to do for better complexion. =p
Much to my chagrin, there are lots of spiders - dead and alive - and cobwebs! How I detest this eight legged creepy crawly creatures! Armed with the vacumn cleaner loaned to us by my uncle, I set out to suck up all the dead spiders hiding between the skirting of the wall and where the carpet ends. I even had to vacuum the cobwebs nestled comfortably at the nook of the ceiling. Thank God for low ceilings!
Just got a call that Mr. C will have to work late today leaving me to my own devices. Shall continue my unpacking and disturb my cousin later.
Enough poor me rants for today.
Now that I am back here, I foresee plenty of posts coming up. So, stay tuned.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A true friend