Papa and Mama L (initial of the family name) wanted to cook for their precious son, Mr. C. Hence, I brought the in-laws, yesterday, to Knox Shopping Mall and Aunt Shirley's Grocery at Scoresby to buy the ingredients they needed to make chicken soup with wolfberries and Solomon Slices, steamed egg with dried shrimps, brocolli and steamed pork mince with century egg.
Dinner was delicious. Home cooked food is usually tasty especially when made by loving parents. I am truly blessed to have such loving and easy-to-please-in-laws. Plus, they're cute, too! ;)
Today, we started out about 12 o'clock in the afternoon towards Carribean Market along Stud Road. Silly me. I missed the entrance totally and drove past reaching Knox Shopping Mall at Burwood Highway only to realise my doofusness and make a u-turn back.
If you go to Carribean Market on Wednesdays and Fridays, entrance is free. On the weekends, despite the cost of AUD2.50 per person, you see more people, stalls and patrons, during the weekend. We enjoyed the walk about with rows and rows of stalls in a huge warehouse selling food like fruits and vegetables, clothing such as socks, jackets and womens apparel, natural made soaps and so many other items.
I commented to the in-laws that it was a lot like Malaysia's pasar malam as you see Asian stall holders selling stuff like shoes, socks, caps, cds/handphone/tabled covers, repairing cracked mobile phones and what not. Hard not to stereotype them when the things they sell are similar to those of the Chinese pasar malam people in Malaysia! ;p
The few whites that stand out sold items such as natural made soaps (that smelt beautiful and comes in a wide range of smells from honeysuckles to eucalyptus to goats milk, to name a few), card making papers, souvenirs, animal furs and skins. I think they should have more of these kind stalls, at least it makes the markets more unique.
However, I think Melbourne is packed with too many Asians.. especially Chinese people from China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore! LOL. Yes, I know, I am one of them, too! Can't help it, the hubby loves living in Australia and I, the dutiful wife *cough cough* didn't have much say as to which country we will live in. ;P

Easy going Mama and Papa L
After our short walk in the Carribean Market, we headed to Knox Shopping Mall. We browsed about the library (as Mama L wanted to read The Diary of Anne Frank which was unfortunately unavailable) and Lincraft (much to Mama L's happiness, she managed to find her lace material to make curtains for Malaysia home).
Next up, we walked in Target, a mid-market department store which is comparable to the likes of Parkson in Malaysia. Then, had late lunch at Samir's, next to Kmart (a discounted chain store slightly cheaper than Target).
The mocha was really good IMHO. The chocolaty taste stands out prominently and yet, I could taste a tinge of coffee. Just the way I like it.
In fact, I liked it over St Ali's. LOL. And yet, you'll find St Ali's on Urbanspoon but not Samir's. I've actually added them and am waiting for the approval from the site's administrator. Samir's also has Mr. C (a pretty darn good barista) stamp of approval. You can tell if the coffee is good by the smoothness of the froth and the taste. Even if the coffee beans are good, the barista can ruin a good coffee if they do not know how to froth well, at times by burning it.
With the in-laws around, I texted Mr. C that I'd probably put on more weight if I haven't already from the J & G trip. 'Cos we'll have breakfast at home and then out for lunch. Usually, I'd just have breakfast, brunch or lunch. Not breakfast/brunch AND lunch. LOL.

After lunch, we popped in to Kmart. I love to check out the clearance rack. It's always a thrill, even if it is a cheap one to find a nice top or bottom for less than AUD10. The skirt below was only going for AUD5 with the top selling for AUD10. I was a good girl and controlled the urge to buy despite feeling that it looked rather nice on me.
Hmmmm.. perhaps if we went back and it was still there, I'd get it and jump with glee....
<3 all this glamorous gowns

After Knox Shopping mall, we went home to wait for Mr. C as he had given his house key to his dad and was key less. Went for a walk around the lakes near our house. Later on, we dropped by Chadstone as it closes late on Thursday nights. Close to 8pm, we went to Tom Thumbs in Matthew Flinders Hotel.
For AUD10, you get a main meal and complimentary first free drink, I don't get why it is fairly quiet where else the bistro next door is usually packed with people. Anyhow, Mama L enjoyed the Chicken and Mushroom Risotto most among the Chicken Parma, Roast Pork and Lasagne.
I reckon I can talk more on my in-laws antics that I deemed them cuteworthy but feeling a tad lazy right now. I am sorry if this sounds rather dull and nothing much exciting. Honestly, the day sounded better than the long winded story above. Just ask Mr. C. I was hopping about with joy chattering away much to his amusement.
That's all for now... hope my mum's trip here next month would be just as enjoyable. ;p