Hi all, as promised. The durian cheesecake was delivered to the concourse of IBM Towers after my working hours (I don't work in IBM... just in case you're wondering =p). Getting into my mum's Persona, within seconds, it was filled with the pungent durian smell.
Everybody say, "ewwwww!!!".
Anyways, once I reached home, I put it in the fridge to chill. After my mum's simple but yummy fried spaghetti with mince pork and vege that was served for dinner, my mum, sis, bro and I had our fillings of DURIAN CHEESECAKE from Cheese Tease!!
The three of them really liked the durian cheesecake! In fact, they preferred it over the Kookies and Kreme. However, I beg to differ! I still prefer the Kookies and Kream over the Durian Cheesecake. Then again, I am biased. After all, Kookies and Kream is aptly named after me.. a Kooky gal! Ok. enough corniness already!
The guinea pigs (ie mum, sis and bro) raved about how the durian cheesecake tastes very durianish and yet with some cheese taste. DUH!! It's a cheesecake! They like the fact that it's not super sweet, too. The cake texture is smooth and my brother kept repeating that it tastes as if you're having durians and not a cake. They actually kept popping pieces after pieces into their mouth.
I, bravely cut a really tiny slice to try. After all, what is a review if one does not taste the food one is reviewing about??!! I made a cup of Ribena ice on standby and soldiered on, gulping a piece down. It was quite alright, actually. Not as bad as I had imagined. However, it has not won me over totally to the the dark side.. I mean, the durian side! =p
I immediately went to my fridge and took out the remaining 3 slices of yesterday's Kookies and Kream, finished them and felt guilty for indulging!! How to lose weight like that??!!
Presentation: 4/5 (Simple and yet classic, "need to add a bit more almond to the sides" my sister quipped. I think strawberries on the top as per Cheese Tease's 1.5kg cake looked cuter)
Taste: 4/5 (Yummy according to my family! They actually had no complains unlike the K&K)
Pricing: 4/5 (RM40 for that size, plus, for a cheesecake, is pretty much alright.)
I bought the 800gm cake but if you fancy a larger cake, don't fret, Cheese Tease offers 1.5kg durian cheesecake at RM69 but now it's going at promotion of RM58.
So, people, if you guys are interested to know how a durian cheesecake tastes like or someone's birthday is coming up or you just want to indulge in a little guilty pleasure... Head on to Cheese Tease and order away!!
Don't hesitate and waste anymore time... YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!!
Everybody say, "ewwwww!!!".
Anyways, once I reached home, I put it in the fridge to chill. After my mum's simple but yummy fried spaghetti with mince pork and vege that was served for dinner, my mum, sis, bro and I had our fillings of DURIAN CHEESECAKE from Cheese Tease!!
The three of them really liked the durian cheesecake! In fact, they preferred it over the Kookies and Kreme. However, I beg to differ! I still prefer the Kookies and Kream over the Durian Cheesecake. Then again, I am biased. After all, Kookies and Kream is aptly named after me.. a Kooky gal! Ok. enough corniness already!
The guinea pigs (ie mum, sis and bro) raved about how the durian cheesecake tastes very durianish and yet with some cheese taste. DUH!! It's a cheesecake! They like the fact that it's not super sweet, too. The cake texture is smooth and my brother kept repeating that it tastes as if you're having durians and not a cake. They actually kept popping pieces after pieces into their mouth.
I, bravely cut a really tiny slice to try. After all, what is a review if one does not taste the food one is reviewing about??!! I made a cup of Ribena ice on standby and soldiered on, gulping a piece down. It was quite alright, actually. Not as bad as I had imagined. However, it has not won me over totally to the the dark side.. I mean, the durian side! =p
I immediately went to my fridge and took out the remaining 3 slices of yesterday's Kookies and Kream, finished them and felt guilty for indulging!! How to lose weight like that??!!
Presentation: 4/5 (Simple and yet classic, "need to add a bit more almond to the sides" my sister quipped. I think strawberries on the top as per Cheese Tease's 1.5kg cake looked cuter)
Taste: 4/5 (Yummy according to my family! They actually had no complains unlike the K&K)
Pricing: 4/5 (RM40 for that size, plus, for a cheesecake, is pretty much alright.)
I bought the 800gm cake but if you fancy a larger cake, don't fret, Cheese Tease offers 1.5kg durian cheesecake at RM69 but now it's going at promotion of RM58.
So, people, if you guys are interested to know how a durian cheesecake tastes like or someone's birthday is coming up or you just want to indulge in a little guilty pleasure... Head on to Cheese Tease and order away!!
Don't hesitate and waste anymore time... YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!!
Ps: Pics are taken using Sony Ericson K800i macro shots without flash.